Losing a beloved friend.

Some say that the more you do something the easier it is to do it the next time. In most cases this is true, but when it comes to losing a loved one it isn’t. It doesn’t matter if that loved one has two legs or four because both are beloved family members.

I’ve had many animals in my lifetime and I expect I’ll have many more. Every time one is lost to me it takes a part of my soul when it leaves to go to animal heaven. I’ve been told many times that I allow myself to get to attached to these animals, but I don’t agree. These are my best friends and they are in my care. I can cry on their shoulders, tell them my secrets, and never have to worry about who they might accidentally tell what they’ve heard.

For those who have never had a ‘fur baby’ that  you loved, you will not understand. For those that have, you know what I’m saying when I say that to euthanize a beloved pet is to do it to a beloved family member. If you don’t understand the pain because you aren’t an animal lover, just imagine how you would feel if you had to have your favorite person euthanized and then you’ll understand the feeling of loss that pet owners feel at this time.

As for it getting easier the more you do it. In the case of losing a beloved pet, there is nothing to make the decision of euthanizing easier. Not even knowing that they will no longer be in pain and have no more suffering. However, as a responsible pet owner you have to do what is best for the animal and forget the suffering that you will have to suffer from the loss of a dear friend and companion.

Mr. B, you’ll never be forgotten and we had 20 great years together. I look forward to meeting you at the Rainbow Bridge.

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